Ian の革命

2002年9月2日の RTQ を中心に。

Prince Ian が戻ってきた ?

Prince Ian は城を追放された後、Ian Faction(Ian党)を創設して Queen Lyrel に対抗しようとするが、間もなく姿を消してしまいます。

それから約一年の月日が流れます。Ian が彼の昔の本拠地である廃虚に戻ってきているらしい、との噂が人々の間ではささやかれるようになっていました。もし本当だとしたら、Ian を死んだものとして正統性を主張している Queen 政権にとっては大きな脅威となります。

Travis様登場 by miru

Ian 派への粛清始まる

亡き偉大なる King Austin の薫陶を受け育った勇敢な第一王子 Ian は、民にとっては頼もしく、次代の王になることを嘱望されていました。Austin が暗殺された混乱に乗じて王位に就いた Queen にとっては、非常に疎ましい存在です。そんな Ian が戻ってきたとすれば、さぁ、大変。

Queen とその腹心 Royal Mage Dominus は、力で近い将来の反乱分子を抑えこもうとしました。部下の Elite Guard らを町に放ち、Queen を支持するか Ian を支持するかを二者択一で尋ね、不審であれば誰であろうと投獄しました。


しかし、元 Royal Mage の Seth や、Brigand Cleric の Susan Bridges によって、投獄された人々はどんどん解放され、Ian Faction に加わることとなります。結局、この恐怖政治は Ian を待望する動きを加速させただけでした。

わーい! ありがとう Susan!

Ian Faction 再結成 !



された。Elite Guard を殺す。

Seth の作戦


Seth の力では Dominus の 強力な黒魔法を封じることはできない。しかし Dominus をどうにかしないことには勝利はない。そこで Seth は城にある Book of the Dead の力を利用して魔法の力を増大させることを思いつく。そして、支持者たちにそれを奪って来るよう要請する。

見事 Book of the Dead 奪取に成功! が、やっぱり Dominus に見つかって捕まってしまいました。だけど Seth の魔法で一気にワープ!! Seth の手に Book of the Dead が渡りました。

Seth の作戦は、魔法で Dominus を召喚し生け捕りにして、弱体化した Queen 政権に退位を迫るというものだった。Seth は厳かに呪文を唱えはじめた…。

(Seth): * Onda Gradion *

やった! Dominus があらわれました。みんなでいっせいに取り囲みます。

ところが! その瞬間を待ちかねていたかのように、Bane Druid が Ice Dragon を数匹引き連れて乱入してきました。鳴り響く咆哮、あたりに血しぶきが飛び散り、なす術も無く人々は倒れていきます。

Ian Faction の旗を踏みにじりながら、Dominus に話しかける Bane Druid。

(Bane Druid): Come with me Dominus.
(Dominus): Noooooooo!
(Bane Druid): The bane requires your soul.
(Dominus): I cannot!
(Dominus): I wont go back!
(Bane Druid): You shall.
(Bane Druid): Fear the Bane.

なんてことだ! Dominus は Bane に連れ去られてしまいます。でも、とにかく圧倒的な魔力を誇っていた Dominus は Queen の隣にはもういません。予定は少しくるったが、今こそ城へ!!


進め! 進め! どんどん進め!!

Prince Ian と共に入城する oioi (w

進むにつれ支持者を巻きこみ巨大化しながら城へと迫ります。それに対して、Queen を守る者はごく少数になってしまいました。

Queen を取り囲む Ian 派。

(Prince Ian): I have come for the throne!
(Prince Ian): I bring my claim with me.
(Queen Lyrel): Well, Well Well.
(Jeros): We have you surrounded and outnumbered!!!
(Queen Lyrel): The prodigal son returns.
(Seth): Greeting Lyrel.
(Prince Ian): I return for what is mine!
(Queen Lyrel): Seth.
(Stefan): Surrender, Lyrel!
(Queen Lyrel): I have a ring that commands Black Dragons, my dear.
(Swift): do not worry my queen, we are still with you!
(Seth): Ian has come for the Throne.
(Seth): And I have the Book of the Dead.
(Prince Ian): You cannot rule a kingdom who hates you!
(Swift): Ian shall not touch that throne
(Queen Lyrel): Dominus's book?
(Seth): Aye.
(Queen Lyrel): Where is my mage?
(Seth): He has returned to the Bane.
(Swift): Impossible
(Seth): Or his soul has.
(Queen Lyrel): The bane has taken him?
(Swift): They lie!
(Prince Ian): My forces are amassed.
(Prince Ian): They will defeat you.
(Queen Lyrel): Your forces are as weak as you are, Ian.
(Jeros): You lose. Surrender now!
(Prince Ian): Victory is mine.
(Thurisaz): Be silent Swift!
(Escalus): Hand over the throne!
(Swift): your forces dwindle! haha
(Tholarius): Silence for the Queen!
(Queen Lyrel): How dare you speak to me in that tone?
(Prince Ian): The throne is mine and mine alone.
(Stefan): Long Live King Ian!
(Prince Ian): I speak to you as a usurper.
(Queen Lyrel): Do not anger me.
(Prince Ian): You have the throne illegally.
(Queen Lyrel): But I have it!
(Queen Lyrel): It is my right to rule!
(Prince Ian): I have come to take it.
(Seth): You have nothing Lyrel.
(Queen Lyrel): You think you can take it from me?
(Seth): Dominus is gone. Grenton is dead.
(Prince Ian): You have few followers, and no power.
(Queen Lyrel): I do seem to be at a disadvantage.
(Prince Ian): Give up my throne.
(Queen Lyrel): And why should I?
(Queen Lyrel): Guards, Seize the Prince!
(Prince Ian): You have ruled poorly, and against the will of King Ian.
(Queen Lyrel): Guards!
(Queen Lyrel): Sieze Seth !
(Seth): You have no power Lyrel.
(Escalus): The guards hate you!
(Prince Ian): Your guards are useless.
(Swift): where are the Elite Guards!!
(Escalus): Dead!
(Queen Lyrel): Listen to my commands!
(Swift): !
(Queen Lyrel): Sieze them!
(Stefan): Even the guards won't listen to you!
(Prince Ian): They would rather follow me.
(Queen Lyrel): You lie!
(Prince Ian): As would the rest of the citizens.
(Queen Lyrel): What have you wrought, Ian!!?
(Seth): They know who the true leader of Oberin is.
(Stefan): Your reign is over, Lyrel!
(Queen Lyrel): It can't be...
(Prince Ian): I have brought the truth. I am the King.
(Medicus): move
(Prince Ian): You are a false-Queen.
(Queen Lyrel): Silence!
(Jeros): You can not quiet us now, you have lost!
(Queen Lyrel): *grrr*
(Prince Ian): I have many people willing to fight for me. You have 3.
(Stefan): It's the end of a reign that shall never have started, Lyrel
(Queen Lyrel): You have won the day.
(Prince Ian): You cannot win.
(Stefan): A reign that started with the assassination of the King Austin!
(Stefan): Your reign! And it's over now! Long Live King Ian!!!
(Queen Lyrel): The old fool wasn't meant to rule.
(Stefan): You hired Aureil to kill Austin! We know it!
(Prince Ian): It's over.
(Queen Lyrel): It is better to rule in hell, than server in heaven.
(Prince Ian): Hand over the ring.
(Seth): Be smart Lyerel.
(Escalus): Give up Queen Lyrel!
(Queen Lyrel): Ian you can have your worthless Kingdom.
(Stefan): Now give up the throne, hand the ring, Ian is our King.
(Prince Ian): I will be lenient.
(Queen Lyrel): The Ring is mine.
(Swift): My queen...
(Prince Ian): The Ring was my fathers.
(Prince Ian): And now it will be mine.
(Queen Lyrel): It is just a trinket.....
(Prince Ian): It was meant for my hand.
(Queen Lyrel): Fine!
(Prince Ian): Smart move.
(Prince Ian): Now, for your sentence.
(Queen Lyrel): But mark my words, boy....
(Queen Lyrel): I care not!
(Queen Lyrel): I will return!
(Prince Ian): I declare you shall be BANISHED from these lands forever!
(Queen Lyrel): Banished!!!!
(Prince Ian): Seth, do the honors.
(Seth): Fare thee well Lyrel.
(Queen Lyrel): Where I go, none will follow.
(Seth): * Mora Olsa Preldian *
(Queen Lyrel): I will grow strong!
(Queen Lyrel): And return!
(Prince Ian): Begone!
(Queen Lyrel): To strike you down!
(Queen Lyrel): Before I go, young prince....
(Seth): * Mora Olsa Preldian *
(Prince Ian): You have stayed too long. GO!
(Queen Lyrel): I curse you!
(Queen Lyrel): * bol flas *
(Stefan): We don't care about your curses!
(Prince Ian): Not much of a curse.

最後に不吉な言葉を残し、Queen Lyrel は姿を消しました。まぁとにかく、新たなる私たちの正統なる王、King Ian の誕生です!

王冠をかぶり、Dragon Stone Ring を身につけた Ian。
Long live King Ian!


hiccup! hiccup! 飲めや歌えやワッハッハー。

